Wednesday, August 19, 2015

In Edmonton

Another  desire fulfilled.
I'm in Edmonton for a Gathering.
"His Presence" it's called.
Just those words make my heart sing - does it get any better than that?
Truly, I'd rather be a doorkeeper at your gates, than to spend my whole life anywhere else...

He keeps making a way for me to come, to join in this corporate cry for the destiny of our nation to be fulfilled.
And now it's not only our nation's destiny, but there is a global alignment that we are privileged to cry out for and be part of.
Seeing His Kingdom Come, His Will be Done.

I'm spending some time laying down in my room with a view.
Resting up after the early morning rising, flight and taxi ride.
Not quite as easy as that private jet trip to Red Deer, but still doable.
The jagged mountains and ice fields were so clear and close - and then the patchwork quilt prairies spread out under the blue skies and white clouds.
It was a brilliantly beautiful flight.

My room wasn't ready yet when I arrived so off to Starbuck's I ventured knowing that a fully accessible bathroom AND a yummy drink would be forthcoming.
As I sat sipping my Chai Latte, right before my eyes a fellow came quickly in through a side entrance, grabbed two yoghurt meals out of the display case and ran straight out the door again.  No one was watching as the baristas were busy serving the line of customers.
I witnessed a little robbery, all while enjoying my delicious drink.
Kind of like a movie.

I had a lovely little visit with Ruth and Anna Demian in the lobby while waiting for my room to be prepared and I was comforted again with Ruth's kind heart towards me.
She reminds me somehow that it matters that I come...

That God is pleased with the huge effort that I have to make to get here.  I can forget and feel like it's just me that wants to be here, but somehow it's His desire being fulfilled in and through me.

What a kind Father.
What a glorious God.
He's going to show up here in amazing ways.
I already feel it.
His sweet brooding presence even in this room where I am laying an watching the clouds glide by.
He's eager and anticipating this Gathering.
How cool is that?
I just know it - He loves it when we show up in Jesus Name.
A whole bunch of us, from a whole bunch of nations saying in unity,
"Come Lord Jesus and Have your way in us"!!


We are meeting in a huge old brick church that is right across the street from the hotel.  Stained glass windows and worn wooden benches. 
The high ceiling provides incredible acoustics for the worship and gives such a wonderful sense of space.

This little gal below stood mesmerized by the dancers on the stage and she was surrounded by other children and youth who were unabashedly worshiping, bringing the presence of God so very, very close.  

He is here.  He is pleased with this little remnant in this nation He has chosen for such a time as this.
To bring healing to the nations
And Glory to His Name.

Found some good friends too...

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