Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Ah, the sweet fullness of summer emerges! So much activity this month has contained. Guestrooms full and celebrations beckon. Wedding showers, family gatherings, father's day, birthdays, exams, the joy of the doggies coloring each day, a graduate.

A graduate!!
The day arrived amidst so much preparation.
Gathering family, sitting with friends,
Shouting with joy as names were read
The certificates received and caps tossed high.
Pictures, laughter, hugs, and more pictures!
A sigh of relief.

Swishing gowns, limousines, corsages and suits.
The smiles are huge, the banquet enjoyed.
Beauty and brilliance.
Parties and dancing.
Beautiful, magnificent potential.
The Father smiles.

A journey finished, another begun.

My house so full of God's kindness. I am overwhelmed with thankfulness. Surrounded on all sides with His great goodness. Young ladies gracing my home, filling it with laughter and fun. Food abounds, meals on the patio enjoyed as the warm evenings and sunsets on the mountains provide a magnificent dining room.

So my dear daughter was the crowning glory of a most amazing month. I present her to the King, His lovely daughter and pray that in her moments and days and future her life would be a vessel where His kingdom will reside in ever increasing measure. She has chosen the best.

She has chosen Jesus and He will lead her in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Naming the Trees

Green leafy branches
sway in the breeze
loving my trees
Reminders of a fun spring day,
a visit to the tree auction.
Bravely waving my number
again and again,
big grin on my face...
Visions of my barren yard
being transformed
into a lush paradise.

From thin wisps these trees have grown
Tall, beautiful and strong.
The years have seen them stretch
taller than the house.
Now from down the road
they welcome me
Heralding home.

Oakley; beautiful, shapely, tall and strong
Silverado in all his shimmering loveliness
The three amigos; my cheerful poplars,
towering masses of quivering leaves
so wonderfully big, shooting for the skies!
Curly willows, artistic beauties
unique, tenacious!
Guardian; his green gorgeousness,
framed by my bedroom window

Sharing the seasons
Colouring my world
Reaching for the sky
Giving shade
Clapping their hands with joy
Bringing glory to their Creator
And joy to His Beloved

I'm so grateful for the green growth
For new hope and a new season.