Saturday, August 22, 2015

Global Family

Difficult to put into words the Gathering that I am a part of here.
We meet three times a day, and the worship is simply glorious.
In His Presence.

When He shows up we respond and longing fills our hearts to pour out our lives in worship and adoration.
We spend hours raising our voices and dancing before His beauty.
There has been immense joy and celebration as well as weeping and groaning.
But this time joy and freedom have been paramount.
We feel God's pleasure and our excitement causes the building to resound with shouts of joy and we even had such a fun time of children and adults jumping off the stage into the arms of the body below and being carried.
Body surfing on waves of glory!

Hearing close to 1000 people all stomping their feet and shouting to the King is unbelievably invigorating!

Through it all the sense of "family" has been profound.
The linking of the generations has been accomplished as even this afternoon the "under 20's" were kneeling before their parent's generation with all of us crying out for the purposes of God to be birthed as the younger ones rise up on the shoulders of the ones who have gone before.
Tears of joy as the older ones speak out the joy of seeing the younger ones move further, carrying the seeds that have been prayed over for years and years and seeing them come to fruition.

The children have been brought onto the stage to show the pictures God is showing them to paint and how He loves to speak to all of us.
Simple messages of love and hope and promise, yet incredibly life-giving.
Here they are under the covering of the flag, once again joining in with the older ones.  The flag was passed on the arms of the saints all across the church from front to back.  So powerful!

The Chinese brothers and sisters have been honoured as they have shared the journey of how the Gatherings have affected the church in China and how the Lord has moved upon them in repentance and restoration.  They have come here to Canada at great cost to show their love and gratitude to us for believing for them and sending David to lead them in their own Gatherings to bring healing to their nation.

The American group came onto the stage to humble themselves before God and us.  They stated that at this time their nation is standing in the shadow of Canada, as we are standing with Israel and carrying this seed and they sang blessings over our nation as they knelt beneath the Canadian flag.  

This was followed by a dear, older native Canadian woman coming forward to repent for how Canadians have spoken of Americans.  She said she sees no dividing line or border and we are one.  Forgiveness was asked for and granted.
Such beauty and humility and power.
So much of God in this place. 

A team of people who are driving 10 white trucks across Canada on behalf of Israel just "happened" to be in Edmonton during this gathering and were able to share the beautiful journey they are on to give Canada the opportunity to practically bless Israel through finances.  The organization is called
We had the privilege of blessing them with an offering and prayer and they encouraged us with their mandate.

Shouting out before the hosts of heaven that we are taking back the ground and calling the generations into place with no more division.

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