Sunday, May 24, 2015

What is Truth?

It's been gloriously hot this past week.
The kind of hot where I need to turn on air conditioning in the car and where my laundry drys almost as soon as I hang it out in the sun on the patio.
The heat that brings out roses and a myriad of other flowers and is making parts of the lawn turn yellow where the sprinklers aren't managing to strike.

The hot that lets us sit out on the patio in the evening watching the sun paint streaks of purple and pink in the sky as it dips down over the mountains.

Although it's only May, apparently they are forecasting a super hot summer...reminding us all that fire season has already begun.
But today in church the sounds of crashing thunder interrupted our meditation on Psalm 33 as sheets of rain began to pour out of the sky and onto our thirsty valley.
The youth were outside running in the rain and getting drenched with joy.
Such a welcome downpour.
Such a gift from God.

And I got to hold a tiny 4 week old baby and gaze on the beauty of fresh new life.
This was truly life-giving. I feel like I haven't held a baby in ever so long and it  nourished me.  I prayed for the little fellow - that powerful prayers would flow from His life.
So precious.

And speaking of church and the Word...

This week I posted a verse on social media and got a bit of a response.
Granted, it was not a light and "easy" verse,
more of the meaty variety...with a bit of a "kick", so to speak.

"...serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever." 1 Chronicles 28:9 

Anyhoo, I got a couple of responses that kind of shook me.
From people who do ministry!  Who teach others.
One said they absolutely didn't believe the latter part of the verse and the other basically said "there must be a better way".

So it leaves me many professing Christians don't actually believe that the Word of God is inerrant anymore?  How does one believe the first half of a verse and not the second half?  I totally understand that the last part of the verse is difficult to swallow, but I posted because the first half of the verse is the antidote!  So I explained this, saying that that although God does want all men to be saved, He gives us a choice in the matter.  And that God is full of mystery, therefore I don't even have the capacity to understand all of His ways.  He truly is bigger and wiser than I am.  His ways are not my ways, His thoughts are not my thoughts.

But oh joy - HE HAS MADE A WAY OF ESCAPE - completely paid for!
For those who seek Him, they will find Him.

This is my truth.
Jesus, the Word became flesh.
The Way, The Truth and The Life.

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