Sunday, May 17, 2015

Reunions and a Union

The sun came out and shone upon the bride and groom as they stood under the canopy on the lake.
A sweet blessing from heaven on this union.

Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Green.
I think Mr. Green may be slightly overwhelmed as can be evidenced by the eye twitch.  I'm sure that will resolve as he adjusts to the fact that he is now a married 


Some of the most precious people in my life. 
This is family.
This is love.

My gorgeous sister and Pupcake. 

Frozen lanterns getting a lick by two eager tongues.
This is what happens when auntie is in charge...

And the newlyweds...

Meanwhile, back at the photo booth we were having having more than an eye twitch!  General silliness ensued and a good time was had by all.  So special to be with cousins and aunties and the little fellows. 


Since the wedding was late in the day we enjoyed lots of family time.
The spacious cabin provided a perfect space for visiting, playing and eating together. 

Games and cousin time...

This little fellow here below?  Absolutely scrumptious!! 

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