Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"Next time a sunrise
steals your breath
or a meadow
of flowers
leaves you speechless,
remain that way.
Say nothing
and listen
as heaven whispers,
"Do you like it? I did it just for you."
Max Lucado

Marvelous day - blue sky, sunshine! Snow melting...ahhh, whispers of Spring.
Thank you Jesus.

I had quite the talk with Jesus today as I was driving through the orchards and lovely country side where I dwell. There wasn't quite so much talking actually...I began to weep when I realized how utterly selfish I am when it comes to fasting... Yeah, I'm still thinking about the Lent concept now that I've been reading about it on different blogs. God knows my weak nature, and He knows that He's all I've got. I love Him, I LOVE Him, but am I willing to give something up for Him? Oh man...my flesh is truly weak. It's just pathetic really. In the past I was able to fast much more easily - what is happening to me? But I will take baby steps...one day at a time. See if I am brave enough to ask Him at different times what to give up FOR HIM.

Blessed Jesus, you truly are worth it. Help me, help your precious Body - those ones who are seeking to put you first in really tangible ways during this season. Cause we really do want - need - desperately NEED that "Spirit of Wisdom & Revelation so that we may have the KNOWLEDGE of JESUS!" (Eph 1 - my paraphrase)

Thank you, that before we even ask, you have begun to answer!! What an utterly awesome and beautiful King you are.

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