Friday, February 9, 2007

THE Maiden Voyage

SO... How do I begin to publicly journal my which has been going on for quite some time now? I feel hesitant and a little nervous, but eager at the same time, to share words which spring up from some hidden place. Not only words, but ideas, hopes & dreams... I have chosen to share something from You Tube as my first "contribution" to this world of blogging. It brought me to tears and made me realize how deep the desire is in me to make a touch broken lives and to bring light where there is darkness. This lovely pastor in Africa realized that preaching about compassion wasn't enough...he had to physically go and touch the broken, spend time with them and love them in practical ways. Do I do this for anyone? How do I break out of my selfish world - reach a tentative arm through the bubble I live in and touch someone outside? In asking the question and in viewing this video I somehow become more responsible. This is actually good. I want to be responsible so that where I live "His Kingdom will come and His will would be done..."

"Freely you have received, freely give..." Matthew 10:8


primrose said...

Karen - I believe and KNOW that you are making a difference in this broken world we live in. Maybe I am not the "broken life" you want to touch - but you have touched me deeply. With your attitude toward life and your love for Jesus. When I was talk with you on the phone, when i read your emails and when i hear you "preach" - it brings me to tears almost every time and helps me love my Father more and more. Thank you to God for putting such a wonderfully beautifully made maiden in my life!

forest maiden said...

Karen, I feel honored to embark on this journey that you have chosen to share with us all! Many, many times your lovely spirt has cast the beauty of Christ's amazing light into the darkened places in my life. You already have touched a broken speak from experience! In turn, I can pass the torch of Christ's light with compassion and understanding because one maiden, bruised and broken, humbly offered herself to a friend to encourage and bless...and that you did my dear friend!!