Monday, December 13, 2010

Sweet Farewell

Yesterday I bid my new friend farewell after two most wonderful months.
She was such a surprise and blessing - not coming to visit me at all but ending up staying here and becoming a very dear friend and soulmate.

Despite the fact that she is half my age.
Strange how age doesn't matter at all sometimes.

We spent wonderful times together doing life. She didn't mind flowing in and out of my schedule and she was just happy to go wherever I took her, meeting my friends, shopping with me and helping me to run errands. At home she was an amazing help to me as well - so willing to do whatever needed to be done with a very sweet demeanor.
It was like having an angel here ministering to me - for real.
Who knows, maybe I entertained an angel unawares?!
Sure felt like it...

But the best times spent were here in my bedroom, on my bed sharing Jesus.

We loved to talk about Him and His mysterious wonderful ways. We loved to pray, with increasing frequency and she was absolutely open and hungry for anything I passed her way. Teachings, readings, and prayers. She spent hours in her refuge downstairs resting, soaking in God and seeking Him very diligently regarding things in her life that needed healing and restoration. And of course He was more than faithful to meet her.
She left here full of hope and courage that He would walk her through whatever was ahead.

We had so much fun watching my favorite movies which were rapidly becoming hers as well. We laughed so much and that in itself was incredibly healing for both of us.
And the dogs of course were a wonderful source of entertainment and delight for both of us. She often took them out for long walks and spent lots of time in the backyard with them throwing the ball.

Our last morning was spent cleaning and getting ready for her departure but then we sat down at the table for our own little Christmas celebration over crepes, fruit and yoghurt. We lit the advent wreath, we exchanged gifts and we had communion.

Our time ended with a sweet time of prayer and away she went with my other dear housemate to Vancouver where the next leg of her journey begins.

So it was a gift.
And now I have a new friend.
A delightful surprise from the Father of Heavenly lights...

And now I await the return of my beloved daughter who is to arrive home sometime today. My heart is full.
And expectant...

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