Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Home for the Holidays

She's home.
My beautiful daughter.
My heart is full and happy.
A more complete version of this precious gift the Lord has granted to me, richer in wisdom and in the knowledge of God.
I'm thrilled that she has chosen Jesus and continues to choose Him.
Actively pursuing life and truth as she is understanding it and adding to the most important parts of herself, character, goodness, the fruit of the Spirit.

I'm so proud of her.
And we are learning new boundaries and ways of interacting as this mother daughter relationship matures and grows.
I want to stay soft and receptive to her and am grateful for her patience with me.
It's not easy to be an adult living with a parent and trying to figure out exactly how that looks as times change.
But we're up to it. It's a healthy normal good challenge.
And I'm excited to have her here.
Excited to hear her heart and to see her interact with friends and to pray for His continued leading and guiding for her future.
It's going to be amazing because that's what our God is all about.
Conforming us into His image and sparkling out of our personalities with His great goodness as we submit and yield.

It was a sweet evening of reconnecting & rejoicing over so much good in our little family.

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