Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sweet Christmas

It's been a lovely relaxing week. Spending time with the dear daughter, wrapping gifts, enjoying my new housemate and having family time. One evening even found my brother, sister and myself all in a row at the movie theatre munching on popcorn and watching The Voyage of the Dawntreader together. Such a powerful message in that film and my sister in particular was hugely impacted by it.
She is coming alive!
Glory to God in the Highest! It's why He came.
To set captives free, to make blind eyes see and deaf ears hear!
I'm incredibly grateful to see the sparkle in her eyes again and to see her responding to the sweet love and wooing of Jesus.
It's been such a battle for her life and God has touched her.
Meanwhile we continue to cry out for the others in the family and around us that need deliverance and light and the truth to break their chains.

Last night we attended Oma's church and we heard the Christmas message preached from on top of a ladder so that thankfully caught my attention and reminded me in a fresh way of the good news - that God came down to us because we are completely unable to ascend to Him, try as we may with all our rule keeping, good deeds and religion.
Oh it is good news and I truly want to be awoken to it and responding to the One who came down to redeem me. I feel so sluggish and out of touch these days when I try to connect to Him, but I know that I know that I know that I am completely loved and accepted by Him and that I can't make myself any more worthy than He has already done. So that is that.

We had Nachos at Oma's following church and after Opa went to bed we spent some time around the table praying and asking for more miracles to fall out of heaven, particularly on DAD! How beautiful to be able to do that with my favorite people. To hear Oma's steady requests that have been prayed for so many years and have reaped so much fruit. To hear dear Tante Hilda imploring the Lord in German for mercy and salvations and to have Elsie and I joining in.

Later the kids and I drove to my place where a few gifts were opened and then we sat together, just the three of us in the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights sharing stories and contemplating Patrice's recent friendship with a young man from California and Daniel's upcoming marriage. Advice was given and prayers once again were prayed.

I could barely be happier than to know that my children walk with the Lord and turn to Him for wisdom and direction and help.

Best Christmas present right there, next to Jesus...

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