Saturday, December 4, 2010


Advent. I've never been too good at faithfully celebrating the candles and the doing meditations in any consistent way, but I'm glad for this season and making attempts at focusing on the EVENT of advent.

Jesus, help me to still myself before You and to drink in Your sweet life and presence.
To search my heart and find some frankincense and myrrh to lay before You...
Treasures of time and stillness.

This week in my home there was an Advent Retreat. I only had to open my doors and the ladies came bearing food, candles, a wreath and meditations to share in honor of our King.
Sweet words to help us to quiet our hearts, a candle lit and silent meditation.

The sonlight reflecting off the snow, pouring in through the windows and warming our hearts. He came to visit, happy that we had set aside these hours to meet with Him.
In His honor.
Needy and hungry we came.
Stilled and filled we left.
Sweet fellowship with His Body.

Profound and beautiful.
Simple and sweet.
Gazing on Him through the eyes and faces of these lovers of His.

And the night before was a sweet retreat of another sort. Sitting in an old stone church with my mother and friend where the loveliest of melodies and voices filled the cathedral - notes soaring high and swirling around us.

Glorious worship on a cold winter's night.

And I fasted facebook for this past week as a sort of first advent gift for Jesus. It feels strange to visit that place again although I love the feeling of connection and the interesting little tidbits and funny things my friends post. It's a very worthwhile thing to give up if it will help me connect better with Him though.

I wonder what this coming week will bring... how can I focus on my King and enthrone Him in this season.

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