Thursday, December 30, 2010


This time in Kansas City at the One Thing Conference was truly orchestrated by God. I began to wonder when I would see my young friend struggling with the pain of his divorce, having such trouble focusing. I felt like the four days of sitting under so much teaching would be too much, especially with my friend feeling so tormented.
But God
Broke through.
We have been so impacted by the teaching and worship.

By the call to be a real Christian - one who does what the scriptures teach. To fast, to pray, to spend our lives pursuing Jesus and doing acts of mercy and justice.
To give generously and spend time, much time discovering the pleasures and beauty of Jesus and His passionate love for us.
The worship has been unbelievable - so many voices joined in one accord, lifting up the Name of Jesus together. Thousands upon thousands.
Apparently 27,000 people have registered for this conference and the facility is massive.

My dear friend from YWAM who lives 5 hours from here drove down to spend about a 28 hour chunk of time with me. We delighted in each other's company, praying and laughing and sharing together. So good to reconnect and love Jesus together. It was so lovely.

When I was buying some books one of the cashier volunteers recognized me from Christmas letters I send their family every year. They were visitors in our home about 15 years ago when she was around 5! What an amazing connection. Now she is pouring her life out for Jesus in prayer and service. So beautiful. The rewards will be eternal.

So there is one thing, ONE THING worth wasting my entire life on.
The pursuit of Jesus.
I want to learn to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.
I am committing to do this in a far more intentional way.
This is a good way to close out this year.
Knowing the best is truly yet to come and there is so much HOPE.
I will be going home with fresh vision, with resources and with courage.
His wind is at my back.
(and it has certainly been windy here in Kansas!)
The tornado of Jesus' love will sweep me up and take me to higher ground.

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