Wednesday, May 30, 2018

To Life!

Even though I've now just got the one guest bedroom it has been amazing to see how visits have worked out.
Anita left for Creston and the next night my dear Lana Mercedes arrived with her sweet friend for a couple of nights.

We did some sightseeing up Knox Mountain and visited the ever popular Mad Mango restaurant for a delicious lunch.

These girls are both such lovers of Jesus and it was an absolute delight to share this snapshot of life with them. They were aware of the battle raging over my dad and were right in the trenches praying along for his salvation.

The day after they arrived I was in my bedroom talking to my Dad on the phone and he shared with me a beautiful dream he had.
He was walking in beautiful lush green fields and there were little "weasels" squirrelling around him on the ground.  
I encouraged him to ask Jesus to take him home if he was so tired of life.
I said that Jesus loved him and that he should just humble himself and pray.
Sooooo, before I knew it Dad was asking Jesus to take him home so I quickly got him to also ask Jesus to forgive him for his sins since he was in  "prayer mode".
I've NEVER heard my father pray so this was so very surprising and wonderful.  
Lana and her friend came running in when they heard this conversation going on and after I got off the phone we spent a long while worshiping and continuing to pray.
Such a momentous day.

So grateful that my kind Father sends friends, new and old to wage war with us for our loved ones.
Since Lana and I have a tradition of clinking glasses at Christmas and crying out "La Chaim" we did so once again.
With a little Bailey's nightcap.

To life, to life, to life!! 

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