Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Elder Care

Anita loves having her Dad up for a BBQ and fresh veggies when she is home so we had the "elders" over for dinner.
Unfortunately it was too windy to eat outside but we managed to have lots of fun indoors.

We played piano and sang songs and just enjoyed being together.

Meanwhile back at the Village things have been difficult, to say the least.  Poor Dad has been struggling with all of the losses that have come along with aging, and when his fingers weren't able to open buttons or do small tasks anymore he decided it was time to end things.
He has been in conversation with his Dr. and has been moving towards getting some medical assistance to bring about his end more quickly.
This has not gone over well with any of us, especially Mom.
It's been a heavy, difficult season emotionally for all of us.

Anita got wind of Dad wanting to end his life so she dared to enter the fray.
As a Physician and as a Christian she feels strongly about this issue.  She has seen the devastation that suicide wreaks on those who are left behind as she encounters this scenario all too often in her work.

Very lovingly she presented the gospel and gave her testimony because she also knows what it feels like to want to end her life.
Even though she has been trained in science and medicine, she had a powerful encounter with God in her bedroom in her early 20's where she was healed and delivered and saved.
Previous to this she thought Christians were "brainwashed".
So, she understands where Dad is coming from.

Dad listened politely but was not persuaded.
Thankfully Anita does not give up so easily.
She said she'd be back for Part II upon her return from Creston where she and her father were going to visit family.

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