Wednesday, June 6, 2018


The guest-room was vacated in time for Patrice's arrival.
She came home for a long weekend visit and it was a delight to have her here.
Blue-bird enjoyed visiting with her from his favourite perch on the computer as she spent several hours working on the apartment books.

She visited the grandparents and had a morning with her friend Kristen who now has two sweet babies.
How time flies!

There are so many afternoons and evenings spent here at Mom and Dad's place.
Thankfully we have little Pupcake to cheer us all up and keep things cute.

When Anita returned from Creston she and Dad continued their discussion but he is a tough nut to crack!
But he has met his match.
Anita does not give up quickly or easily when she is on a mission.
He mentioned that he cannot pretend that he is a believer, even though when Mom asked him if he became a Christian he said "maybe".
I'm taking that as a yes.

She usually prays with him before she leaves and anoints him with oil.

My Sunday evening drive home was spectacular.
When I saw the evening sun shining on my little Anglican Church I drove into the parking lot and snapped a few photos.

This is how it feels as of late...
There is an ominous darkness encroaching but there is a BRIGHT LIGHT that brings life and hope.

Our hope is in God.
We are trusting for many good endings.
Not by might, not by power but by HIS SPIRIT says the Lord.

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