Sunday, May 6, 2018

Music in May

Daniel headed back to Vancouver to get ready for his practicum in Victoria, but thankfully Nicole stayed on and we had fun.
One fine morning Barb & Bethany joined us out on the back patio for a yummy brunch.
Bethany was home briefly before heading to New Brunswick to do her practicum at a "forest school". 
(which sounds like a great fun!!)

It's such a treat when we can collect various and sundry groupings of our kids to visit and catch up.

Meanwhile out back the chickens are growing and Jennifer has learned how to make farming fun!

The creeks in Kelowna have been VERY high as a result of big snowpacks and as the weather warms they are melting fast.

Ladybug and I stopped by to watch the water raging and tumbling down Mission Creek.

It was such a beautiful evening and since Ladybug had just received a haircut we thought it was a good opportunity to do a photo shoot.

Such a little Diva with her pretty red scarf and the stunning backdrop.

I was invited by my friend Natalia to a most AMAZING performance of Bach & Mozart music at a local venue.
She had been given some tickets and Nola & I were the lucky ones who got to enjoy the evening with Natalia.
We decided to make an evening of it and met first for some Mexican food.

There was an incredible orchestra and the choir was so talented.
We were awestruck with the talent.

I loved the fact that they had the words up on the screen during the performance as you don't always know what is being sung.
The words added another huge beautiful element to the performance.
I was in my happy place with some really lovely friends.

At the encouragement of the conductor I took a selfie.  It was supposed to be for advertising purposes, but it's a little late for that.
(Lisa almost got into the picture - she happened to be there too!)

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