Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Storms and Such

Since getting in and out of the car is a workout I don't always feel up to, there is the magnificent option of picking up a hot drink on a cool day and parking at a spot with this kind of a vantage point.
Pretty dramatic and completely free.

My dear niece is great at keeping in touch, so when she called and wanted a coffee this is where we ended up.
We watched a spectacular storm roll in and crash wildly around us as we sat tucked cozily in my little "red rolling coffee shop" and visited.

The next morning I was at it again. 
Breakfast with my Butterflies friends, but this time I got out of the car and enjoyed  a delicious meal while us girlfriends told our latest stories and had a few good laughs.
We get to find out about answered prayers and about ones that are on their way to being answered.

One of the crowd brought us all commemorative butterfly mugs and magnets which was such a sweet gesture.  
Over the years we've shared numerous meaningful gifts, often with the butterfly motif, to cheer each other on in the journey of going from chrysalis to winged wonders.

The end of my school year came incredibly quickly and I managed to get all of my students finished up and assessed by the 13th.

There were hours of sitting in front of the computer hammering out year end reports while my back screamed at me to be finished already!! I'm so grateful that I don't have a computer job as that position is definitely not the best for my body.

Somehow with my job of sitting next to the kids while teaching there is enough movement and good positioning that I can handle a couple of hours before I'm ready to have a major change.

I'm so glad that I have the privilege of sitting with these kids and giving them keys to reading in such an incredibly supportive and great school environment.
Another major answer to prayer and such a gift from God.

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