Sunday, June 26, 2016


Some evenings feel just perfectly wonderful. 
This was one of those evenings.
A coming together of generations of family, an evening of remembering times gone by and of making history and the living out of legacy. Enjoying the moment, and the presence of those who have walked many miles together.
There is brokenness and there are missing pieces, but we live in a beautiful reality that allows us to experience a deep and abiding joy in spite of and even in the midst of painful circumstances.
Because this is not the end of the story.
We are all overcoming difficult things but miraculously we are all still alive and are more than conquerors, because Jesus is alive and well inside of each one of us.
Our bodies may be wasting away but our spirits are strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  

So glad we could share a meal on this gorgeous sun kissed evening.
Gentle breezes cooled us and we celebrated the simple pleasures of togetherness around a picnic style supper. 

First cousins and second cousins sharing the ever delicious dessert of watermelon. Unfortunately I haven't perfected the art of creating roll kuchen to round out the meal but we had nachos and pizza instead as this was a meal that just sort of happened on short notice.

Precious moments with very precious people.

And puppies...that have also grown old along with us.

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