Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Prayers in High Places

This city is worth praying for.
It's so much more than just a beautiful view or a fabulous playground; it's crowded with people who have a calling and destiny but who have forgotten their Maker. It's a place full of promise as well as a fierce battleground.
Because there is an enemy at work here who is lulling people to sleep and keeping them so distracted they forget why they've been created.
There's a lot at stake for everyone involved. 
It's life or death.
For eternity.

Not long ago our little Wednesday night group joined a prayer meeting taking place on a local mountain so that we could worship our Creator, take communion in unity and make scriptural proclamations over this land and it's people.

There was a massive drum, flags, a violin, some disorganized attempts at leading worship and a ragtag assortment of personalities which could have the potential of putting me off, but we push differences aside and come together as brothers and sisters under One God.
This makes Him really happy.

Probably one of the prettiest prayer rooms I've ever been in, albeit somewhat cool and windy. 
Before our eyes the clouds rolled over us in an incredible display, the sun peeking out to light up the bridge and harbour and to warm our backs as we called out to our Mighty King to move in power. 

So glad that size doesn't matter and that even a remnant can touch the Father's heart on behalf of the lost.  
"If my people, who are called by my Name, will humble themselves and pray..."

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