Saturday, April 14, 2007


Just thinking about those special, intimate secrets we share with God. Things between very best friends, treasures that are mulled over and enjoyed immensely...the comraderie of knowing the two of you share something no one else does. I can feel His pleasure when I keep those things just between the two of us. Too often I blow it and am so eager to make the circle of sharing bigger, but often in doing that, some of the magic - if I can use the word in this context- is lost.

It's somehow linked to His admonition to us not to let our left hand know what our right hand is doing. Sometimes in sharing the secret I feel like I spoil something of eternal value. A treasure that was heavenly and eternal is somehow reduced to having all of it's glory spilled out only for the here and now. Not that it's always bad, or even wrong. But the choice to keep the secret, knowing all of the glory is His anyways, is mine to make. I think I usually give in and share it, kind of like I'm still a little kid in so many ways and want the party now...but I pray that I'll learn to keep these secrets. These special glimplses I'm given into things of eternal value. When Jesus lets me know that through me He's touched someone, made a difference, helped someone see a teensy bit more of His beauty. Those times when He shows me beauty in something I never thought beautiful before, but suddenly I'm seeing in an eternal light.

It's been a prayer that I've prayed at times, that I'd see after the Spirit rather than after the flesh. I'm such a late bloomer in so many ways, slow to grow to maturity in things that really matter.

But He is infinitely patient. And He still shares the secrets with me - still trusts me. Now that's a real wonder, considering how well He knows me. I'm just so crazy about Him. One day I'll see His face and touch His Hands...but until then He's given me so much of Himself to explore and enjoy. When I remember to, I pray that He'll set a guard over my tongue. It's one of my biggest blessings and biggest downfalls - this busy mouth of mine.

I wish I was at my other computer so I could look up the scripture about how He shares His secrets with us. But I'm tucked into bed without my big bible and concordance. Just finished a wonderful novel by Cindy Martinusen called "EVENTIDE". I love the references to eternity in this novel - it all boils down to those two important things, loving God and loving each other. They are inseparable. And not running away from our destiny, from the hard things in life which often lead to the most beauty and joy.

May I love God enough to keep His secrets. Oh precious Lover of My Soul, I want to be trustworthy.


Island Melody said...

I relate, my friend. I too am so excited with the riches Jesus reveals to me on this treasure hunt He takes me on that it spills out of me. At times I wonder if these pearls are scattered to be trampled on by pigs. But then for others they are glimpses of glory on these spiritual riches and who am I to know God's intentions when I bubble over like an overflowing fountain. I think at times He stoops to gather up the pearls I've spilled and then I hear him say, "Trust me with the results of this impulsive act." Did he not restore the high priest's servant when Peter impulsively lopped off his ear with his sword when they came to arrest Jesus? (Luke 22:5o-51, John 18:10) A picture of a rescuing God when we make those impulsive albeit good intentioned blunders.

So, is the scripture you were thinking of Isaiah 45:3?

"I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."

Battle Maiden said...

I sat down to write a post and there was the e-mail from you. How exciting to have a "comment" Someone is sharing in my ramblings and heart. As I looked in my concordance I couldn't find what I was looking for and when I read Isaiah 45:3 it rang true. In my mind I think it had turned into something a little different but I believe this beautiful scripture you found for me is the right one! How amazing that he gives us treasures and secrets...all so that we can know Him better!