Sunday, April 22, 2007


God has many Faces...
He surrounds me in a myriad of ways.
His lovingkindness towards me never ends.

In His great kindness He has provided for me an abundance of the most amazing and wonderful friends and family members. I simply don't deserve any of it so I enjoy and give thanks and am amazed, again and again.

Such variety, beauty, fun, uniqueness, laughter, and most of all love - if I have eyes to see, I will know that God touches me every day, through others in a multitude of ways. He expresses Himself with such creativity through his beloved people.

I don't know why I have been encircled by so much of His goodness - by so many friends that reflect so much of my Father. Oh but I am sooo grateful.

The little people he puts into my life bring such brightness and joy. The simplicity and honesty and genuineness of these young ones is so incredibly lovely. They make me happy!

The elderly - those who gently hug me, touch my shoulder in passing, remind me of their prayers and look into my soul with so much wisdom are great gifts which I need to honor in tangible ways.

A praying, wise, Godly, very kind mother who has shown me the love of God in the most practical but life changing ways is a gift I'll never comprehend. We often ask the question "WHY?" in life...but it's usually about the hard things that are sent our way. I must ask the same question, but it's more of an amazed "why me?". Why would God place tiny me into the arms of one of the most amazing women I have ever had the privilege of knowing? I am stunned at the grace the Lord has poured on me through this woman.

A father who epitomized honesty and was very righteous, even though He didn't walk with the King of Righteousness. There has been a righteous root that has stretched into His life and I pray that it will yet change him into the likeness of His Creator. My dad has been a provider and teacher of many good qualities for which I am thankful.

A sister and brother who love me and accept me and surround me with love and kindness in so many practical ways. They are not only my siblings, but precious friends. I was the baby and they spoiled me - they still spoil me with so much love. What more can I say? smile.

My kids - OH. MY. GOODNESS. Talk about being undeserving and getting the best of the best. I am so enjoying my kids becoming adults and friends. Both so original, so unique and so beautiful. Watching their characters develop - exhibiting integrity, honesty, kindness, and just being so real. Wow - my heart sometimes feels like it could explode with love and thankfulness.

And the multitude of friends that have crossed my path over the many years of my life. Some for shorter legs of the journey and others that have been with me for the long haul. I can't begin to name them, but God knows these gifts and what they mean to me. They are His Hands, His eyes, His great expansive, extravagant heart poured out onto and into my life in such endless and unique ways...

The practical acts of kindness
The cards, the e-mails, the letters, the gifts
The words of encouragement
The tears shed along with mine
The laughter that is shared so freely and often
The moments or hours spent in prayer - together - a priceless gift I treasure
The wise words of counsel
The many celebrations - picnics, dinners, BBQ's, - so many reasons to party!

I could go on and on and on...simply because God does. I can never outdo Him!!

He just keeps showing me more of His beauty. And I keep falling more deeply in love with the Friend of all Friends, Jesus. The One from whom all these beautiful gifts flow.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down
from the Father of Heavenly Lights"
James 1:17

Yes, I am EnCircled. By God...through the friends and family He has surrounded my life with. And now I must go and get ready for one of these precious ones who is coming to spend the evening with me!

How blessed am I??? SO BLESSED!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You're just so darn upbeat I can barely stand it. I like your infectious joy, though, it's refreshing to those individuals whom life has trampled the glee out of.

Island Melody said...

Iwonder if the the above responder even knows Battle Maiden? What is so amazing to me is the joy and gratitude being expressed from a life that has been crushed. Ah, the threshing room floor is not a pleasant experience, but the chaff must be beaten off for the grain offering to be useable. Count your blessings, count them one by one, even in the midst of your pain.