Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tulips, Waves and Sunshine

I'm skipping over a load of pictures taken in England and Holland because I'm so  just too far behind.  When I am in a strange environment EVERYTHING seems to take me eons longer and I just get the bare necessities accomplished before it's time to go to sleep or off on another adventure.
But this day was just too lovely to pass over without recording some of the stunning beauty I was able to take in.

We just decided (or I decided and Patrice and Kristine agreed) to take the opportunity to join a little crowd that was heading to the daffodil farm.  I'm not going to try spelling the Dutch Name right now, but it's a wildly popular place with acres of exquisitely beautiful flower gardens and a huge old Wind Mill dating back to 1892.

The fragrant scent from the Hyacinth plants wafts around you as your eyes feast on the endless colour combinations and fabulous varieties of tulips and other flowers that miraculously spring out of bulbs. 

Look who I caught tip-toeing through the tulips!! 

The lovely couple that lent us the vehicle for our stay here in Holland took us to the flower gardens and we had sweet fellowship with them on the peaceful drive and as we strolled through acres of loveliness. The woman's name was Aly and she began to sing "How Great Thou Art" and I joined in the song of praise to our Glorious Creator. 
How magnificent is He?
Color and life spill out of his hands in this wild display of botanical beauty.
We are allowed to co-create with Him and it is good, good, good!!!

Fields of spectacular color, simply here for our enjoyment.
Definite heavenly highlights and foreshadowing of the loveliness that is to come. 

We got home and laid down for a short spell while I called dear Mom for her birthday before we headed out for one last Holland Hurrah.

I couldn't resist popping down to the beach since we were just minutes away and once again the girls said YES and away we zoomed with our sweet hostess Tiny  who was game for pretty much anything to investigate the Hoek of Holland on a sunny day.  

I wanted to have a memory other than our rainy freezing disappointing arrival day for this area. 

Tiny has been our hero on this entire trip, treating us all like her own daughters and sharing her home and life with us.
She is full of vim and vigour and although she has suffered a great deal in her life there is an indomitable spirit within her - the Spirit of the living God that spurs her on to love and good deeds. 
We were the recipient of many of those kind deeds and I am grateful to God for placing us into her care during our Holland adventure.

And what a glorious evening we had...

Tiny (Teeny) found us a lovely restaurant with this view. 

We munched on pizza, fries and a cucumber salad as we drank in the blue sky, beautiful beach and mesmerizing waves.

After supper Patrice, Tiny and Kristine  went out to put their feet in the water and run on the sand.

So happy with the way this week ended after that rough beginning.

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