Saturday, April 9, 2016

April Antics

Patrice joined us on one of our "family" prayer drives and we stopped off so that she could give cupcake a bit of exercise while the rest of us just sat and enjoyed the incredible April scenery.

This early Spring has just been lovely and we had such a nice time driving along the lake and admiring the awakening landscape, decking itself out in a thousand brilliant shades of green. 

Here's our little superstar Pupcake in one of his hiding spots.

And home looks like this...
The lighter days give such warm glow to my favourite place.

I feel so incredibly grateful to live here.

With these little darlings making things even sweeter.
Here they are peeking outside my bedroom window, wondering if something exciting is going on out there...

Patrice invited me to a Trips Concert at the community theatre and it was a splendid evening of bluegrass and other fun music.

I feel pretty spoiled knowing so many great musicians and having access to so many spectacular shows! 
Twas a fun evening.

I was a little torn, however, as there was the Azuza now prayer day going on which I had been following online and praying along with for much of the day.
Trusting that there will be major breakthroughs as a result of tens of thousands of people gathering in unity to humble themselves and pray...

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