Monday, April 11, 2016

Lunching at the Lake

Since we didn't really celebrate Patrice's birthday as a family and since I won't be in town for mine, I decided to take the kids out for lunch at the lake.
Aren't they absolutely beautiful? 

It's so nice to have a spot to do lunch right near the water and the weather was just lovely. 
If I don't spend enough time connecting with my kids (especially the married ones) I start to feel a little out of sorts and lost, so I'm so very happy when we can share stories over a meal.
Daniel is heading into finals and is swamped with reading and Nicole's work situation is super stressful but she's pushing through with valour.
Patrice is getting ready to quit one of her jobs and is preparing for an internship at a retreat centre this summer so that's been stressful for her. 
I can't believe these are the people I get to go through life with.
We were assigned to each other so very long ago and I'm so glad that we love and respect each other.
It's not perfect, but it's good.

I've had a little fun posting this picture below on social media. 
There is something very funny going on here and I don't really know what it is.
But that's beside the point. It makes me happy just to see all of those smiles.
My people.
We're all God's beloved kids.

Sometimes it takes my breath away to realize they're all grown up and "out of reach" in so many ways.  The whole growing up thing didn't take long at all and now I have to work hard to create family gatherings. But this is life.
Lovely and hard, beautiful and gut wrenching all at once.
Like so much of life.
Some days can feel lengthy but the years are fleeting.  

It's funny to me that there are a profusion of beautiful trees in bloom everywhere I go and yet all I seem to have pictures of is my tulips. 

And here the budgie makes another cameo appearance.
He blends in so well with this picture on my bathroom wall and highlights the message beautifully. 

He's looking me in the eye to see if I'm getting it...

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