Friday, April 1, 2016

Audacious April

This is my kind of Spring!  
Early and warm, bright and beautiful.
A canopy of blue smiling down on the unfolding green expanse.

My sweet trilogy of poplars have been putting on their Spring finery at a rapid rate, glad to finally dress up after that long, cold, snowy winter.

The tulips have taken off like gangbusters, each of them eager to display their outrageous, fresh, colourful gorgeousness.  You can just see them smiling back at that big old sun and giving glory to their awesome Creator.

So, to celebrate the grandness of the season I had a patio lunch with some super special ladies.  Grandma, Oma and Tante Hilda joined Patrice and I for a feast of soup and garlic toast, strawberries and muffins.

Grandma was full of stories from her past and she filled us in on the latest quilts and creations she has been making.  Thankfully there are not many awkward silences when Martha is in our midst.  She knows how to keep a conversation moving along! 

And meanwhile this cuteness surrounds me every single day.    I've made a complete mess of cutting Moose's hair, but there was a need to lighten the hairy load he was carrying as he was too hot in this surge of warm weather.  Therefore he is needing his sweater on to keep him warm at night when things cool down. 

He is the snuggliest, dearest old boy. 

To make things even sweeter, I got to spend an early April evening with these lovely ladies. My dear daughter and our friendly neighbourhood chiropractor.
We exchanged stories and had a most delicious feast of sushi.

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