Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Blast Off!

After packing and preparing for what seemed like many confusing days, Patrice and I were escorted to the airport by Elsie and Mom for our European adventure.
Such a sweet send off! 
Patrice discovered how she could manage all of the luggage AND push me which was simply amazing. 

This little guy flew us over the mountains to Vancouver where we got on a 777 bound for London.

As usual, I'm one of the first to board and to our great delight we were given three seats between the two of us so that I could lay down for much of the trip in relative comfort. 

What a precious traveling companion!  

The flight over Vancouver, up the coast and over Northern Canada was spectacular.  After enjoying a chicken dinner I finally I closed my little window blind, determined to get some sleep so that when we arrived in London the next day at 11:30 am we would be as ready as possible to begin a new day and our holiday.

I think the flight was about 9 hours or so.  I was medicated to manage pain so it was kind of fuzzy for me at some points.
Thankfully I wasn't navigating!
We got a bit of sleep. 

Lorna picked us up and drove us through the lovely countryside to a sweet little cottage that she found for us to stay in that is pretty much wheelchair accessible and very cozy.

I feel so blessed and looked after.  This friend from way back has gone the second mile to make this trip a wonderful one for Patrice and I. 

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