Monday, November 30, 2015

Frozen Solid

This was the coldest day for me yet.  We're hovering around -5 during the day and going down to about -10 at night which is WAY TOO COLD for November in my humble opinion.  Or any time of the year for me, but anyways...

There are good things going on INSIDE when it's freezing and icy outside.
For instance...

Temptations abound.  Blue Boy is taking some risks, perhaps not fully comprehending the possible consequences of these face to face visits. 

His bird house has a new spot in the kitchen and the little guy flies around like he owns this place.  Swooping low over our heads and often perching up on the shelf above the stove where he watches us humble earth dwellers below.
He terrorizes Ladybug who stands quivering in the wake of a close encounter. 
As much as she would love to snap at this living "squeaky toy" she knows he is definitely off limits.  

Blue Boy loves visiting with his reflection on the chrome taps in  the kitchen and takes little baths when we leave the water running for him. 
Isn't he just the most handsome little fellow?

Moose thinks so too.  

I had my back entry painted a lovely white to brighten it up and I'm looking for a new cupboard to put in there to hide dog treats and store extra stuff.
Thankfully there have been some lovely sunny days in between the dark freezing ones and we go out to catch some Vitamin D rays and to hang with the puppies. 

Moose is just so darn photogenic.
The little head tilt is irresistible.

On this day he was finding frozen apples in the snow and laying down to eat them like popsicles.

Dear Jo popped in on Saturday for a little visit and had a photo op with the pups.  
These three could be on the cover of a magazine. 
She loves them and they are CRAZY about her. 

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