Thursday, December 10, 2015

Delightful December!

Well look who chased me down the grocery aisle to give me a candy cane?! 
This was one of those evenings that just feels magical...
The store was almost completely empty when I entered, but there was Santa Clause next to a group of singers who filled that space with the loveliest carols sung accapella in all sorts of glorious harmonies.
One of the nicest shopping experiences I've had! 
Previous to this I had just attended the school Christmas concert which was over the top amazing. 

My dear friend Sherri directed the singers and it was definitely worth heading out to listen on a cold winter's night.  
Plus I've taught many of these kids and it was fun to see them dressed to the nines and singing their hearts out.
The excitement around Christmas when there are kids around is just palpable and it's such a delight to be able to enter into it.

Moose was given a fabulous haircut by Patrice, but since it's a little chilly these days we have found it necessary to find him something cozy to put on for the nights so he doesn't lay there shivering.  
Obviously the sleeves were an issue and did not stay rolled up so we had to do some alterations...

We shortened the sleeves and tucked him in with some blankets to boot.
He was trying to figure out why it was so difficult to move.

And here below is a home that I was invited up to for a potluck dinner.  I drove up, up, up into the hills where it was very snowy, thinking perhaps I was lost when I came upon this massive chalet.  
The family that lives here has 10 kids, one of which I taught Sunday School to many years ago.  A very dear girl who is turning into a lovely young woman.  I also threw a marshmallow into the eye of one of their children (a young man) this summer at a campfire at our house, so obviously they have forgiven me and are willing to maintain contact despite my dangerous tendencies.

Thankfully there were strong men on hand to help me up the steps where I could hang out with beautiful people and lots of kids.  

Since it's the Season of Advent it was only right that I made some pfeffernusse and Moose and Ladybug were very excited to clean up any small pieces that made their way onto the floor.  

They are a big hit and the recipe made about 14 pans worth of cookies, so they have been shared around.  I still like to make Advent goodies to deliver to the kids and to Patrice's stocking and these are a well loved, familiar treat.

I can't resist this guy.  Matthew dressed up as Santa and we got to sit together at church and sing carols.  
Over the top amazing.  

It's been super beautiful.  Gentle snow falls creating a backdrop for the loveliest season of gatherings and fun. 

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