Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Snow Pretty

Woke up to a gorgeous snowfall.
Way too early in the season for me, but nobody asked me for my input. 
But seriously, it's just incredible.
Just wanted to stop and take pictures all the way to school!

Snow that coats every twig and fencepost...
Stunning beauty.

I had to stop on the bridge on my way home and snap this picture.
Sometimes when the road is quiet I stop the car, open the windows and listen to the water running below and breathe in the fresh forest air.
It's my style of enjoying the outdoors without having to get uncomfortable.

I'm just incredibly grateful that I live in the country and can see this kind of scenery every time I head out anywhere. 
One of those thousands upon thousands of good gifts that come down from my Father.

The orchard under grey skies.
Moody beauty.
I'm so glad for the seasons and for this landscape that changes so radically.
The longer I live out here the more I love it.

And then when the sun comes out it all changes again.

Look at the sweet little homestead under those blue heavens.

I'm tucked in there right now under a dark night sky, thankful that I have a warm home and a cozy bed. 
And a Big God who oversees absolutely everything.

Including those precious refugees that I am thinking of so often and feeling so helpless about.
Sending money seems like a very small thing, but combined with my prayers and the great kindnesses others are extending all over the world lives will be touched and people will be rescued. 
I hardly know what to say.
Lord Jesus Have Mercy.

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