Friday, November 20, 2015

Winter Blue

Twas cold today but the sunshine gave me courage.
The winter blue is crisp and clear.
Fresh snow has settled on our hilltops but the valley is still dry.
I rush from the school to my car and soon the heat is blowing and classical music is swirling around me.

Knowing there is a friend and hot drink ahead I wind my way through busy streets, and soon a London Fog is filling my belly with warm deliciousness and a dear friend's stories are mingling with mine. 

At home my room fills with the golden glow of an afternoon sun 
which sets far too quickly.  
But the winter sunsets are so lovely.
And the moonlit nights are unspeakably beautiful.
Stars so clear and bright, speak of other worlds and of a Creator who is known and mysterious.


It's definitely harder to head out in the evenings now, but prayer has a place of priority.
Last night I bundled up in my brand new wool sweater, donned my leather gloves and made my way down the dark hill to where city lights beckoned.
Five of us gathered and the power and presence of God was so very worth the effort it took to pull my stiff and uncooperative body in and out of the car. 
As our songs ascended, heaven touched earth and our cries touched the heart of God.
We know this, without a doubt, otherwise we would not come together. 
I'm so grateful I can do this.
Still get my body dressed, out of the house and down the hill to do damage to the darkness and to be a partaker in the corporate act of worship & intercession.
My hands are not doing great.
At times stiff, at times achy and sore.
Just doing up a button can cause pain, but I have a perspective that pushes me forward. Gives me the impetus to worship in spite of pain, and gives me the faith to believe in miracles.
This God of mine is so worth it all.

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