Friday, July 31, 2015

Face Lift

I've been toying with the idea of getting the house painted for a few years now, and a quote I got at one point was so high that I had second thoughts.  But this year when I realized Daniel was available for summer work and was willing to take on the challenge I jumped at the opportunity.

It's been wonderful, on so many levels to have this happening.
Most of all I love any time I get with my precious son and this allows me to make special cold drinks to serve him while he's outside, share some meals and even grab visits when I'm outside resting while he's painting.  This is my view from the bench where I lay on the patio.

PLUS I am beyond thrilled to see this lovely house get a face lift.  There were spots that had only received one coat and that might have been primer, plus the nail holes had never been filled and painted over.

So I'm living the dream here - laying on the back patio watching the transformation take place.  Here is the back door casing before the face lift...

And after!! 

And since I had both Daniel and Patrice here one morning I had them pop me onto a blanket in the back yard.  Patrice has been concerned that I don't get enough "grounding" so this was my glorious view from that experience. 

Glad to report that I was fully grounded by the time they heaved me back into my wheelchair.  

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