Sunday, July 26, 2015

Swept Away

I just love the "suddenlies" and surprises of God!  
On Wednesday I got an e-mail from my dear friend Donara inviting me to a worship conference this weekend in Red Deer.  
In her private jet. 
Just her and I.

I wasn't quite sure if I had the ok from God so while having my devotions the next morning I was hoping to hear something from Him that would confirm either way. My reading was about Boaz and Ruth and how Boaz had commanded his workers to leave "extra handfuls of grain on purpose" for her.
It just felt like the Lord was doing that for me through this invitation. 

 In fact that very week I had supper provided 5 nights in a row!  Someone brought a meal to my house on an evening when I was having company and everything was provided! Then I had a beautiful steak dinner made for me by Ollie and Anita and the next evening it was the yummiest pizza in the park.  Wednesday Lisa invited me for a delicious salmon dinner out on her patio before prayer and Thursday Celia generously provided pizza for a birthday party I was hosting.  
During a week where my hands were aching more than usual it was a wonderful treat. 

"Extra handfuls of grain on purpose..."
I am experiencing the goodness of God in the land of the living.
Over and over and over again...

That's my God - super extravagant, generous and kind.
Touching my life through so many beautiful people. 
And to top the week off I ended up in a private jet with Donara where there was a basket of delightful treats to enjoy as we flew over the mountains. 

These two kind pilots hoisted my not so tiny body up into the jet like two superstars. Look at me sitting up there like a queen!

Donara and I spent time praying and resting on the flight in these incredibly comfy seats.  We were the only passengers which once again felt just over the top extravagant.  

We left cool rainy Kelowna...

and soared over the mountains to the beautiful green farmland of Alberta.

Ahhhh the broad green expanse with the big sky is so lovely to my prairie born heart. 
After I was checked into my own luxurious room with the softest pillowy bed and perfectly appointed bathroom we headed off for some personal prophetic ministry.

This is like something out of a really good book eh?
It's my own personal epic story, authored by God.

A group of four women surrounded me and spoke some beautiful words over me and into my spirit. Thankfully I had the presence of mind to use the recording device on my phone so that I can replay these kind affirming words that are reminding me that I am to wait on the Lord. 
I am in a season where I am to slow down so He can fill me up.
New people will be coming into my life and I am being given Godly wisdom and discernment so that I will know whom I can trust and that which is right and good.
And so on...

The evening worship with Laura Hackett and the IHOP band was a foretaste of heaven and the speaker who followed was Paul Keith Davis who had a lot of very good things to say.

My cup is overflowing and I am feeling cocooned in God's love.
Donara and I are having some beautiful times of prayer and lots of time to rest.

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