Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Pure Sweetness

Dear Tante Hilda mustered her strength and courage again to have us over for one of her extravagant meals.  Here she is in her little kitchen where she has diligently prepared meals for herself and countless others over the past 24 years.  She just loves to be able to prepare feasts and to watch her loved ones and friends enjoy them.  Unfortunately years of struggling with polymyalgia have made this much more difficult for her and then breaking her back and then her heal have added to this conundrum.

So when she sent out this most recent invite we certainly made the effort to be there to enjoy the fruits of her labour.  It was amazing, as usual, and even though she is very self deprecating we convinced her just to say "thank you" as we raved about the delicious fare.

She lives about half a block from a large grocery store and she troops valiantly back and forth with her walker and basket, making sure that there is a large supply of anything we might possibly want.  Her house is also full of joy and the presence of Jesus. Her giggles and laughter and songs fill the airwaves with heavenly sounds and I know that there are years worth of prayer and worship permeating the space she calls home.  She exercises her amazing gift of hospitality extremely well despite the fact that she has to battle through some anxiety and lack of confidence.

I'm sure she has entertained angels and hers is probably one of their favourite places to stop in. 
We certainly has a most delightful and delicious time together! 

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