Saturday, November 29, 2014

Slow Re-entry

I made it home.
Thanks to some good strong medication on the 9 hour flight to drown out back pain and the crying baby across the aisle.
Left me in a bit of a stupor so I don't know if I was really asleep or awake, but gently buzzed.
I finally really fell asleep on the final short flight home to Kelowna, but when they served us pretzels I was awake again.  Haha.
Sleep, elusive sleep...

What a treat to see Patrice at the airport and to be escorted home and tucked into bed by her.
It was better than Christmas!  What a very precious girl she is.
What a wonderful home I have.
Oh my bed and bathroom!!

It took longer than I thought it would to get back into the swing of things.
Between jet lag, hardly sleeping and getting over my cold I was feeling sluggish and completely unmotivated.

Plus my hands have been so sore since getting home and I'm trying to figure out what that's all about.
Perhaps the weather change, lack of sleep and deep cold snowy winter we've been plunged into here is affecting my joints.
I'm finding I want to cry, often, and I realize that I have been in a season of grieving another level of loss.
It took so much energy to get through life without my legs working and then when my back became so unstable it added another whole level of difficulty but my hands?
This one is a doozer.

So I must dig deeper.
Rest more.
Seek His face.
Refuse self pity.
Submit and worship.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.

I'm grateful for the sweet Israel memories and pictures.
My heart is full of those experiences and at "book club" this week I was so happy to be able to share some of the overflow.

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