Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Old City

I'm finding it hard to keep up with posting my Israel adventures now that the Gathering has begun.  So, even though I went to the Old City two days ago it's been difficult to get the time and energy to summarize something that so profoundly impacted me.

I hardly have words to describe the depth of emotion that welled up within me as I was wheeled along the stone walk towards the Jaffa Gate.  The tears began to flow and I found it hard to keep from weeping as I entered the Old City.

Here inside the Jaffa Gate there is a girl sitting and playing harp and there are actually beggars waiting for someone to say "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I Thee..."  

My strong reaction surprised me and somehow it felt so right and so very good.  Hannah met us with a hug and the words "Welcome to Jerusalem" just inside the Jaffa Gate and she took us to a lovely little courtyard where we sat under a lemon tree and refreshed ourselves.

This is where my Jesus walked and taught and wept and died a most horrendous death.  And this is where He will return. Somehow in the fullness of time I am able to experience this and to be in this very amazing place.  Below is a picture of the actual walkways that have been excavated that were used during the time of Christ.

We wandered through the streets and stopped at a little juice stand where we enjoyed a cup of fresh squeezed pomegranate juice. Oh the flavour was just outstanding.  Tart and fresh and sweet.  

The Jewish Quarter is very clean and peaceful with winding little walkways, stairs, window boxes and stands selling food and other wares to the residents and visitors.

 We also went through the Zion Gate and visited with some young Jewish boys that had lots of opinions about the war and the Palestinians.  They were on a field trip and lived in a place near Nazareth.  They invited us to come and visit them.  Ha!  We looked out over the Mount of Olives and the Judean Hills.  It's just all so very surreal, to be here in this place.

More stories and more pictures to come.  My heart is full and I am experiencing such a mind blowing and miraculous time at the Gathering.

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