Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ah, Jerusalem

We had a wonderful afternoon out exploring.
Headed down to Ben Yehuda Street where we exchanged money for some Shekels and tasted some delicious shawarma and falafels.
The sights and sounds and smells are mesmerizing and the warm sun shining on the white rock buildings is truly a beautiful thing.

I'm so taken with all of the nationalities and costumes and my eyes are so busy trying to take everything in, wondering about the stories and the lives that converge in this magnificent ancient city.
The Jewish men with their black hats, long black coats, tassels and scarves are such a sight.  They are everywhere moving amongst all of the others, standing out and yet blending in.  They fascinate me the most of all.

The white stone buildings are everywhere, old and new side by side with streets winding through them, open stalls selling fresh bread and drinks, outdoor cafe's, money changers and musicians playing saxophoneon Ben Yehuda Street, just so much colour and sound and life.

Hannah met us downtown and helped to push me back up the hill on Jaffa Street so we could attend the King of King's Church service.  So good to be in a church full of believers in Messiah, worshiping and praying.  The message was on prayer and we were invited to spend an extended period of time in prayer and my heart welled up with intercession and many, many faces and names were brought before the King who answers.  It was such a powerful time and the Spirit of God came so strongly upon me.  A sweet young man came and asked me if he could pray for me during this time and I could hear him pleading with God for my healing.  With tears in his eyes he told me how he felt such love for me and I thanked him for filling up that bowl of intercession on my behalf which will one day be poured out.

Anita and I had a humorous time getting home on the rapid light train. First we needed refreshment for the journey so we popped into the Super Duper store where Anita bought some water and wine.  Ha!  There's surely a message in there somewhere. Then a young girl helped us buy our tickets and figure out our Shekels.  As we sat waiting for our train to come by Anita had an urge for something sweet and lo and behold there was a bakery right behind the train station (something from the year 1944) where we bought some sesame seed cookies and almond biscotti biscuits.  They were heavenly.  Everything just tastes so delicious here.  I don't quite know what that's all about but I am just taking it all in.

We are now tucked into out beds, Anita sleeping long before me, as usual.  I cannot thank God enough for allowing me this tremendous privilege.  Tomorrow will usher in new adventures and the conference begins in the evening.  

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