Saturday, August 16, 2014

Home Day

This is my home.  

And this is the field in front of my home.  It looks like this in June with a myriad of wildflowers waving in the breezes under the big blue sky.

I hardly believe I get to live here.  

Yesterday our sweet house guests left for Victoria.  I felt so very blessed that they stayed here to be close to Becca and that I got to experience one of my favourite blog authors and her entire family up close and personal for almost two weeks.  I love to have this house well used and to know that it is a blessing to others.  And I love to know and experience people.

The children were delightful, Chinua was so gifted and easy to have around, and Rachel?  She is a queen among women.  Seriously, I was so taken with her and with how gently and kindly she does life.  She has a very noble, dignified spirit about her and she is just incredibly kind and good.  She treats her husband and children and all those around her with so much honour and kindness and patience.  I know now why I am so drawn to her writing.  She is as authentic in real life as she is on paper.  And even sweeter than I could have imagined.

I was thrilled to have Chinua do a little backyard concert the one evening and here is a picture of Rachel leading a group in a time of meditation at New Life.  It was a very rich time of looking into the passage of Jesus resurrection and how he appeared to Mary.

So today was a home day and it was just so pleasant to move slowly through the quiet house, cleaning a little, making a smoothie, doing laundry, talking with the puppies and having my shower. I also started to prepare for a mini Word By Heart seminar that I'm putting on tomorrow. I'm excited about the passage we will be learning (Blind Bartemeus) and to be able to pass on this methodology so that others can be blessed by it.  The story is new to me as well so it's been fun digging into it a bit and it will be nice to be working on something new.

I also had Matthew and Abi Baker drop by for a little ice cap and visit on the back patio.  Such a nice visit with two people that I admire deeply.  Matthew struggles with cerebral palsy, but his spirit and faith are very, very strong.  He gives me courage and brings me so much delight.

This afternoon my massage lady came up and ministered to my back, shoulders, arms and hands.  It was such a relief to just lay there and have someone look after me, even if just for a little while.  She is just wonderful and I am grateful that I can afford to do this.  I need to do it more often - like regularly, before I get too twisted up!

It's been a good home day.  Pretty much a favourite day as I felt so much peace and calm.  Knowing I have the seminar to teach tomorrow gives me a sense of purpose and joy.  Having my Ladybug laying nearby all soft and sleepy makes me incredibly happy.  I love that steady little breathing alongside me and that I can reach out and touch her warm curly far.  Very, very soothing. How kind is my Father.

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