Sunday, January 23, 2000

Ups & Downs in Mexico

 The last few days have been full of transition and all kinds of emotion!  Anticipation about the Mexico trip, the hard work of packing and preparation... Sue was such a blessing, she came to help me the day we left and was such a huge help. 

We even had a fun lunch in Costco with Barb and Carlyn.  A rare little rendezvous where we were able to share our hearts and reconnect.  Find out where we were all at regarding church changes and people leaving... 

Thursday evening we flew to Vancouver where we spent a short night before flying to Manzanillo with fifteen others.  such a wonderful bunch of people.  Mexico is not very accessible at all so of course I had my usual hurdles to get over and Patrice had a very rough adjustment.

Because of me needing a larger washroom we were separated from the others the first night and it reminded me of the alienation that can accompany a handicap.  It comes in various forms but it's extra sa when it affects the whole family and not just me.

Patrice didn't like how poor it was and she didn't like the food and she wanted to GO HOME... tears and crying  Thank God for new mercies that come after a good nights rest!

We joined the others for a most blessed day at their motel where we played with the children from the orphanage.  A little guy named Luis crept onto my lap and into my heart but Ron discourage any ideas that were beginning to form in my mind. =)

Patrice completely mothered a little girl named Melissa and loved it.  We had pizza with them, swam with them and put on a program.  A completely wonderful day.

Patrice was back on track and I felt I could go on too!

In the evening Dennis picked us up and brought us to Colima where we settled into our accessible motel with the rest of the group. 

Today we attended a beautiful church where Rhonda gave her testimony with an interpreter.  Then we went to the Children's Home for a delicious lunch followed by sightseeing at some 900 year old ruins. 

I loved the bus trip into the countryside. Saw a smoking volcano, ranches cowboys, a horse parked by a truck in a village, sugar cane and cobble streets. 

Everyone is good to me even though I'm a bit awkward to get on and off the vehicles.  Lots of willing helpers.

My prayer is that our hearts will be softened - touched by the heart of Jesus.  That we will be able to give and receive that which is of Him.


Oh - I forgot to include one of the most significant times I had with the Lord, the morning after we arrived.  I was sitting out on our porch and I turned to Song of Songs chapter 7 and I felt it was a direct and most beautiful word form the Lord for me. 

Even though I struggle and feel burdensome at times, HE sees me so differently.  as I am at times unable to participate and can only look on from a distance as I worship it is like a wine that flows from me to Him.  

Thank you precious Jesus.  

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