Monday, January 31, 2000

Community Handicap and Joy

 The blessings continue.

Another beautiful morning as I sit at my little outlook letting the gentle breeze caress me - what flowery words, but how else can I express such delights? 

The soft breath of Jesus.

Thankyou - breathe on me.

One difficult thing about living with a handicap is the fact that others have to make sacrifices for me.  If there is a car available I need the front seat even if there is someone elder traveling with us.  And here in our motel suite we had to take the bathroom door off so I could get in - but everyone else has to deal with no privacy. If I go with the group they all have to wait for me or help with the chair.  

But they are so gracious and God allows it not only for my growth and humility but also for theirs! 

Oh this breeze is so wonderful, the coconut tree fronds are tapping together - heaven's percussion.  And the colours are so amazing - green and blue. 

You know -  this has been such a "perfect" holiday in so many ways.  The" community" aspect has been wonderful - Patrice and Daniel have such a variety to interact with - and the fact that Lisa is just a little older than Patrice is such a bonus.  They try each other's clothes on and swim and play.  

And Daniel fits in easy anywhere.  Ron and I have so much companionship when we want it but have our own little rooms to retreat to when needed.  And the ministry aspect has made it so fulfilling.  Plus we get to do our little shopping and sightseeing outings as a group and there is so much laughter. 

 I've loved seeing Ron laugh so much and entertain the others with his humour.  He is certainly appreciated! (And, as usual, the Lord has given a number of people in the group a real heart for him). Rhonda has a word she wants to share with him when we get some quiet time.

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