Saturday, January 1, 2000

A New Day & A New Year

 It's beautifully clean and white outside.  Fresh snow - a new day and a new year - new beginnings! 

"His mercies are new every morning"

I feel captivated by a new hope and I "happened" upon a book which I forgot that I ever owned called "Practicing His Presence" and oh what a glorious discovery this has been.

I am so encouraged to begin to seek God's presence in my seconds and minutes... It's the only way to win over any kind of fear or anxiety.  Part of me is gripped by my weaknesses and seeming inability to follow through with my convictions, YET "I can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME". 

So I begin today to seek His presence.  Simply turning as many of my seconds and thoughts over to Him as I can.  

Help me Jesus.

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