Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Thinning Veil

On the 5th day of their stay at the care home Dad wasn't very responsive and had developed a deep cough.

On the morning of the 6th  I got a phone-call from the care Dad had developed a fever and it was apparent that the end was imminent.
I got on the phone and was trying to arrange the "end of care" plan Dad had so diligently worked to obtain, but unfortunately with the move to this facility they were in a new "jurisdiction" so the care plan was not valid.
I just wanted Dad to be pain free and it was apparent he was quite uncomfortable, especially when he was moved.
It wasn't always easy to find staff to make sure that his pain meds were being delivered consistently so that was hard on me. 

Dear little Mom, faithful to the end kept watch over her beloved husband.
The best companion anyone could ever hope for. 

Anita came in to offer support and to give her medical opinion on how long she thought we had.  Phone calls were made and Patrice drove down to be with us and to say goodbye to her dear Opa. 
She was a very sweet presence.

We called Daniel as well but it was his birthday and he and Nicole were in Whistler so it was too difficult and there was possibly not enough time to make the drive to Kelowna so I held the phone to Opa's ear while Daniel spoke his emotional farewells.

I began to call each of the other out of town grandkids and gave them each an opportunity to speak whatever words of love and farewell that they needed to say.
It was  a truly sacred time and incredibly precious to watch Dad's facial expressions shift as he heard these beloved voices bidding him tearful farewells.
His eyes were not open but I could see him responding.

The vigil had begun.
Words of love were spoken.

Elsie and Tante Hilda arrived and Anita dropped in again.
The staff were managing his fever and pain with medications as well as they were able.

There was a gentle, peaceful presence in the room as we surrounded Dad and he laboured, breathing heavily and steadily, his chest rising and falling.
We spoke, and sang.
Waiting, watching, praying...

Dear, sweet Dad, finally making his way through the valley of the shadow of death...
The veil was thinning and we were the physical cloud of witnesses to this sacred rite of passage. 

Vic arrived late in the evening after enduring some delays in his flights, but thankfully he was made it in time. 
Seeing that Dad was breathing steadily he decided to head to Elsie's for a sleep as he was exhausted after his travels.
The family was now complete and our goodbyes had been said...

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