Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Moving Day

The hospice decided that Dad was more of a "long term care" patient since he didn't seem to be actively dying so it was arranged that Dad and Mom would move into the only available place that had a two bed room. 
It is not far from Costco in Rutland, but not really "on the way" to anywhere.
I guess we have to stay flexible!

Just like that we are starting off in a new spot and getting Mom and Dad settled in their new space.

Mom is definitely confused about the new arrangement and I got a call from her (through the staff) wondering where we all are.
I explained that they lived there now and I was at home but she was not at all happy about things.
Elsie and I take turns visiting, usually both of us going at different times so that Mom is kept occupied and comforted.
When I would arrive they would be sitting together parked in front of a TV or Mom would be sitting in their room in front of Dad who was mostly to be found in the massive rolling recliner.
When I asked Mom what she would do here all day she said "I'll hold Dad's hand".
Such devotion!

Here they are in their new bedroom side by side.
Holding hands.
How cute is that?
And here is their lovely big view window.

Another adjustment for sure..

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