Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Awe Inspiring Autumn

I hardly have words to describe the awe and wonder of this magnificent month.
Heaven is allowing us a glimpse into the kind of beauty that Dad is enjoying on a daily basis, however.... this is somehow is only a shadow of the extraordinary beauty that is yet to come!

Eye-popping colours in the sour cherry orchard next door!!!

And the gorgeous muted autumn palette just outside my kitchen window. 

Check it out - even Ladybug is sitting like a royal diva enjoying the fall colours. 

There is a new normal around the house...gentle rhythms.

Dear little mom gets to cozy into the easy chair and listen to teaching or music of her choice.
Usually we have some lunch after this and then it's time to rest again!
She's a perfect companion for me who also loves to lay down and rest whenever possible.

Following her afternoon nap in bed she gets up and joins me on my bed where we visit and listen to music or teachings on the computer.
Ladybug is learning to share her space on the bed with Oma.

Sometimes Mom dozes off... it's all very peaceful and gentle for the most part, but mom is most certainly feeling the loss of her life-long companion and I'm glad we can process that together and she can cry when she needs to.

She is so beautiful.
A noble and humble soul.

Some mornings her tears fall as she sits at the breakfast table.
The flowers that were given following Dad's passing are dropping their heads and petals in his memory as well.

It seems a fitting month to say farewell and to remember...

Despite the sorrow and adjustment to her new home, Mom is a good sport and is happy to get out in the sunshine and get a bit of exercise.

Just need to make sure the warmth quotient is sufficient as a Rempel can NEVER get a chill...

As you can see I'm doing my best to ensure that mom stays warm!

 Esther popped by on a lovely afternoon to sit and have lunch with mom on the back patio.
Warm soup in a mug on a cool fall day.

Communion at our new church location...we are finally back to meeting on Sunday mornings.
I go when I can make it, but it all depends on whether mom is up to going to her church or not.

And here is a random dog picture because you can never get enough of those. Now that the house is emptier I sometimes take Ladybug along for an outing rather than leaving her home alone.
She is an eager, very cute companion.

Martha came by for a visit to cheer Mom and they enjoyed some much needed fellowship.
Martha is good at keeping a conversation going and she has so many interesting stories to share.
This friendship has lasted for many years and has even survived Ron & my separation.
That is worth something! 

I'm glad these beautiful days are stretching out for such a long time.
The leaves are in no hurry to fall and the colours are remaining vibrant!

It's one of the most beautiful autumns I can remember.

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