Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Other Side

October 7 dawned with a glorious sky.
Seven means perfection and completion... so very fitting.
It was Thanksgiving Sunday.

I got up early and sped down to the care home to continue the vigil.
Patrice was already there as she had gotten up in the night to be with her Opa.

Mom was present, lovingly checking on Dad.

When she and Vic went for lunch I lay down in the bed next to Dad and watched him and waited with him.
 Reminding him that we were there with him.
That He was loved.
Listening to his laboured breathing and pained expressions upon movement.
His race was almost finished, he was struggling to the finish line and we were gently cheering him on.  So grateful that he had, even though somewhat begrudgingly, given his yes to Jesus and we knew where he would land.

The day wore on and since Dad was continuing to breath steadily, I thought I'd have time to go home to refresh myself.

We left Vic at Dad's bedside hoping to return in time for a final goodbye but shortly after I lay down I received the text from Vic that Dad had suddenly breathed his last deep breath and had gone to his glorious home. 

I'm sorry we missed the "home-going" but I'm so glad Vic and Mom were there.  Mom was resting in the bed next to Dad and wasn't really able to enter into the experience as she is somewhat in the "shadowlands" - not always fully present, but we walked her through the goodbye as best as we could.

Such preciousness... saying a final goodbye after 68 years as one.

Understandably she was somewhat in shock.
Dear precious warrior of love.
Vic was such a loving support.

We gathered around for our final goodbye and took the requisite last family photo to send to our relatives in Germany.

And then the part of Dad that housed him for the past 92 years was taken away.
Strange and surreal but the outer casing is no longer necessary.
Dad is finally truly free. 

We ordered food in and sat together at Tante Hilda's letting the events of the weekend wash over us.
Truly a memorable Thanksgiving Sunday.

We couldn't be more grateful for this amazing ending to our amazing Father's life.

We can rest secure in the knowledge that our sweet Jesus met Dad with a loving embrace.
Welcome to your forever home daddy... we'll join you soon!

Lana happened to be in Kelowna on this momentous weekend.  Interesting because she had also been in Kelowna four months before running into my bedroom when she heard me praying with Dad when he gave his life to Jesus.

So we "la-chaimed" this occasion as we do and gave thanks to God before bedding down.

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