Sunday, December 10, 2017


Since the resident family went skiing this morning I took the opportunity to put on some Christmas carols and do some baking! Sadly, I have misplaced my traditional Pfeffernnusse recipe so I had to improvise using one from the internet and adding a few extra spices. 
They turned out pretty good - I sampled plenty of them and ate lots of dough.

Kind of fun having the place to myself once in awhile, although I it has definitely been a blessing having the family move in with me.  We still have Lorabeth and Norm living out back in the trailer as well so things are never dull around here. 
They are more than paying for their keep by doing yard work, fixing machines and today Norm even finished cleaning out the gutters.
It's a pretty sweet arrangement. 
I'm so grateful to God for the multitude of ways that He reaches into my life and looks after me and mine.

Last night Marie had our little crowd over for a scrumptious meal and a lovely visit.

She aptly calls her place the "Diva Den" and it was superbly cozy.
The company was super sweet as well and we got caught up on each other's news and ended the evening with prayer. 

It's a most wonderful time of the year...
The extroverted part of me is drinking in this season of cozy gatherings, good food and many lights despite the long dark evenings.

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