Friday, May 5, 2017

Party On, Ladies

There was an amazing alignment and availability of moms and their gals that occurred on the morning we had decided to celebrate my belated birthday.
Often it's just the three of us that gather, but occasionally we can draw in some of the off-spring which is always splendid.

I"m just so glad we have these excuses to gather; as a birthday will bring people out of the wood work, so to speak, when they are otherwise very difficult to access.
We had another breakfast rendezvous at the "Boh" and I was just so happy to be surrounded by this particular crowd. 

We mom's have aged incredibly gracefully, despite an onslaught of barriers, handicaps, hindrances and strange life occurrences, if I don't say so myself. 
And our daughters are simply beautiful, noble, intelligent, talented and compassionate young women.
Who knew the incredible potential that was resident in these ones some 25 years ago when we all first met and they were tiny, childish and sweet.

It's a privilege to be part of a dynamic community of people that manage to hang onto each other despite the raging currents of life.
Kids out of town for years attending schools,
Scattering due to changes in churches,
New jobs pulling people out of regular gatherings and into extreme busyness,
Kids flying all over the world and settling in far away places.
Waning energy and looking after aging parents,

This is all normal and right and good, but what a delight when we all happen to be in one place all in the same delectable moment of time.
It's mysterious and almost miraculous.
It's life-giving.
To celebrate the value to friendships and to cheer one another along in our long road in one direction.

Just have to say thank you to a very King Father of Lights who is the giver of every good and perfect gift.

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