Monday, February 29, 2016

February's Finale

It's a beautiful thing to get well after a long flu.
Energy to do small everyday things is such an incredible gift.
And look at these tulips, heralding Spring with such divine simplicity and beauty!
A gift from one of my sweet Butterfly Friends from our breakfast this past Saturday morning. 

This month has been quieter due to Patrice and I spending half of it either sick or trying to get well. But there are so many beautiful things that fill our days.
Shafts of gentle Spring light, hot milky chai, comforting pups, revisiting old videos, and the disappearance of snow. 

It feels as if life on earth is a "type" of February to me. 
There is a knowledge of and tremendous hope for Spring on the horizon...just like I KNOW that there is an eternal season of the most incredible and beautiful life that is just around the corner.
It sometimes feels like an incredibly long corner to round, but it's coming.

February can be a bit shadowy, with muted colours and snow still lingering rather low on the hills sending some chilling breezes down when the sun is not there to ward off the cold.  
These two pictures were taken last Friday when we had our family prayer and praise drive.  Tante Hilda had brought a song sheet full of songs extolling the beauty and power of the blood of Jesus so we sang heartily and proclaimed the goodness of God in the land of the living! 

But there are hints of green and on my way home from church yesterday I saw this comical sight in a sports field nearby. 
Kids running about the field with their bodies encased in giant balloons! 

So as I look out of my bedroom window I see clouds and blue sky.
I'm so grateful for this day.  That I could head out to school and work with my precious students, have some coffee with a friend in my car and even go to a car wash station where I hosed down my dust laden car with a powerful stream of hot soapy water. 
That seems like a fitting finale to February and winter! 

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