Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Waiting for Wellness

I'm on day 6 now of a rather persistent and ugly flu.
Body aches, burning eyes, weakness, heavy chest and congestion.
I even had to miss dear Tante Hilda's 85th birthday party on Monday with the family, but there was no desire or energy in me to go and spread my germs.  I was happy to hear that they had a lovely time, even playing some dominoes after the Chinese Food extravaganza.  Dear Patrice has also been fighting a cold so I have a fellow sufferer in my misery.

Unfortunately as much as I know that "rest and sleep" is the great healer, my attempts at sleep have been sabotaged again and again by aggressive muscles spasms in my lower torso.  They go on for hours, often in the night, making sleep nearly impossible and creating a whole new raft of pain.

Thankfully I do know that this too shall pass, but oh the nights can seem long!
I'm incredibly thankful that I have a warm house, a comfy bed and sweet puppies to keep me company.  And even drugs to ease the journey somewhat.

Yesterday I finally left the house for the first time to go to my "alternative" MD who gave me intravenous H202 and handed me some penicillin to ward off any pneumonia that might be trying to settle in.  I'm hoping to feel the effects of this intervention soon.

This morning I've been sipping on a very healthy green smoothie I made. Carrots, greens, an avocado AND the seed, pineapple, bananas, ginger and lemon juice.  YUM! Amazing that I have the capability of making these delicious life-giving drinks - my God is so kind in the midst of my troubles. I'm wishing I could send some of the smoothie down the hill to Mom as she has been steadily losing weight and having very little energy. Life in these bodies, at least for some of us, is a huge challenge.  But we cling to Jesus, trusting in His goodness and praying for intervention and relief and help.

Yesterday was a warm sunny day and when I took the puppies out I sat facing the sun, letting it's warmth stream over my face and body. Rays of heaven permeating this weary soul.  The snowpack is receding rapidly and the grass is green underneath!  Even the many balls that the dogs have lost over the winter season are starting to surface in different areas of the fields around the house where they have been covered with snow until now.

So it's onward and upward for me.
Now it's time for my daily proclamations and some time in the Word.
Having a hard time getting through Job.  He's always good for perspective though.
And I thought I was having a hard time?
Haha, ya.

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