Monday, September 28, 2015

Interlude of Illness

As I lay down for my daily afternoon rest following that delightful sailing trip I felt an illness descend upon me.
And I was down for the count...
It was an ugly few days of body-aching, feverish headachy, eye burning, and congestion with some nausea and vomiting thrown in.

Haha.  Oh my Word!! I make it sound like a near death experience instead of just mentioning that "I had a cold recently"...
I have so little tolerance for body discomfort and I am rather a wimp when it comes to being sick.
The whole episode was rather unpleasant but I have been slowly coming around.

I took a road trip with Patrice on Sunday before I was completely well and I think that wasn't the best idea, but that's how the timing worked out for her appointment.

The road trip, however, was absolutely beautiful.

Quaint little towns, sprawling ranches, country farms with cows, alpacas and sheep, meandering rivers, trees beginning to turn a lovely gold, mountain lakes and majestic thick pine forests.

We drove to Trail, a cute little town tucked way down in a deep valley surrounded by tall mountains.

It is a lovely city except for the huge industrial smoke stacks jutting out in the centre.  Lots of houses on hills with stairs. 
Very inaccessible. 
I hope I never have to move there.
After doing a bit of sightseeing we spent the night in a cozy little hotel.

Patrice just briefly stepped out in the evening to watch the Blood Moon and to take pictures for me since I had run completely out of steam.  The pictures of the moon were ridiculous (a pin sized spot on a black background) but thankfully I could witness the event on my computer. These significant Jewish High Holidays combined with the signs in the sky have been a cause for much conjecture in the Christian community and I myself was wondering if there would be some sort of a market crash again but thankfully that didn't happen.  I just want to be sure that my lamp is full of oil and my eyes are fixed on Jesus so that I'm always ready...

We took an alternate route home and it was another gorgeous sunny fall day to enjoy incredible scenery through Osoyoos and up the lakes through Oliver and Penticton.  It's amazing that we have the opportunity to jump in the car and zoom away over hill and dale seeing so many gorgeous sights.

I'm grateful for these opportunities to get out and see our lovely land and to spend time with Patrice. 
Especially when she drives and I get to sit back and enjoy.

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