Thursday, September 24, 2015


Yup, that's me right there, looking cool and everything on a sailboat.
This was one of the things on my "summer bucket list" and it actually happened even though I hadn't pursued it.  
God's just kind to me like that.  
He knows I'm not always so good at following through quickly with things and while I was thinking this wouldn't end up happening till next summer I got in under the wire.  

It was bliss hearing the waves slapping gently on the side of the boat, feeling the soft breeze and moving effortlessly over our lovely lake.

I have been seeing pictures of people out on boats and kayaks and I think how nice it must feel to be able to get into a boat and be on the water.
And just like that I was suddenly hoisted up in a sling, dropped into a boat and I was sailing. 
This was my view as I steered the little vessel out of the harbour. 

They didn't tie me onto the mast like in the movie "What about Bob" when I suggested it.

This was my view looking up. 
Pretty amazing really, that I get to experience so many fun things.

And little Kelowna was left behind...

There was a perfect amount of wind to carry us along and for me to be able to steer into it and get a tiny idea of what sailing is about.


I was allowed to pull the strings and do the sailing bit for the most part which was just amazing.
The guy behind me was a volunteer so he coached me and kept me company.

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